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Scratch Built Ships

By Steve Williams

Here are some pictures of some models that I have scratch built over the last few years. One is a 5 foot long Red Dwarf that has since gone to a collector. It was fully lit up with fibre optics. The base was plywood completely covered in plastic card panelling and finished of with assorted kit parts. The whole model took me about a year to build. Some of the images have been edited to take out the background.

There are also pictures of STARBUG 1. This was studio scale and was just under 3 feet long. It had a fully detailed cab, complete with all crew which sadly cannot be seen in the photos. It was finished with a Ford signal green, wet and dried down, then dirtied up with an airbrush to get the final look. The model was mainly plastic domes and fibreglass.

The last model was a 3 foot long Scorpio from Blake's Seven season 4. This was completely modelled throughout with plastic card and then completely covered again in panels and kit parts. Athough I made a good job of the build I got the colour wrong - it was to0 bright.

Red Dwarf Damage

Red Dwarf Left

Red Dwarf Left Front

Starbug Left Detail

Starbug Left

Starbug Rear

Starbug Right

Scorpio Antenna

Scorpio Left Rear

Scorpio Right

Scorpio with Builder

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