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Klingon Shuttle S-7

By Steve McKinnon

The S-7-class of Klingon shuttlecrafts were used throughout the Empire, and although they were termed 'shuttles' they possessed teeth and firepower to deal with anyone that dared to underestimate the craft's intentions. Frequently crewed with a pilot and one to three passengers, it was just as frequently manned by an additional six Klingon security operatives that would ensure that every mission was successful. Diplomatic missions were commonly frowned upon, so the inclusion of intimidating battle forces lessened the annoyance that Klingons would lower themselves to 'negotiating'.

The S-7 was thoroughly armored, capable of taking several hits by Federation-level phasers, and possessed nine disruptor nodules along the sides and bow of the craft, as well as a high-powered pulse cannon on top that could swivel 360 degrees to take out large targets. Such ships were also used for scientific endeavors, and were equipped with cruiser-level sensor systems to be used in ascertaining the composition of nebulas, planet surfaces, and the potential number of alien lifeforms that the crew might have to destroy for the glory of the Empire.

I've always felt that the basic shape of a tank was perfect for small shuttlecraft-sized spaceships, so after searching for just the right shape I found it in a 1/48-scale Marder DF514 German tank by the Zhengdefu company. Even the basic shape, without the treads, looked somewhat like the Federation's Galileo shuttles, only on steroids!

I built the Marder basically as instructed in the plans, although I had to rely on the pictures because all the words were in Chinese! I trimmed off all of the stubby wheel axle connections, and didn't include the topside swivelling cannon. I also didn't use the tread guards that ran on either side of the tank, and covered up the gaps with two thin strips of plastic, and added a pair of sharp forward-pointing stabilizer wings under the nose of the craft. I liked the huge machine gun of the tank so much I kept it near the rear of the ship to act as that deadly-sounding pulse cannon.

Next, to show that it was of Klingon origin, I cemented a pair of Klingon D-7 engines to either side, from Polar Lights 1/1000 D-7 kit. And finally, I added a couple small rectangles of sheet styrene to form a rear entrance. With construction completed, I hand-painted it a very pale flat grayish-green using Rumbol's # 90 enamel, to give it that worn-down texture, instead of something nice and shiny and clean, which definitely isn't the Klingon way. I lightly brushed the vents on top with the grayish green, and giving them a rough flat gray brushing to simulate dirty, worn-out air vents. I finished the painting by adding small details like the the orange sensor scanners in the front, the pulse cannon, and silver disruptor emplacements, a few Klingon-style letters, and three Klingon Empire emblems from the Polar Lights kit.

The completed model measures 6.5 inches in length, and 4.25 inches in width.





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