Tholians vs USS Trieste |
By Keith R. Karn Sr. |
During the Dominion War, the Federation wasn't doing well against the Dominion and the Cardassians. So Starfleet decided to pull decommissioned ships out of moth balls to help with security in the rear areas. The U.S.S Trieste, which was a modified destroyer, was sent to Deep Space Nine to help guard the Wormhole. During this time, the Tholians decided they wanted access to the Gamma Quadrant. A Tholian ship attempted to go through the Wormhole, but was intercepted by the Trieste. The Tholian ship I got from ebay about two years ago, and it was a real easy built. Only three resin pieces. The Trieste I've had for years, at least 20, and it was my first kit bash. With the help of my brainiac son and Photoshop, we came up with this battle scene. |