USS Poseiden |
By Jay Smith |
This is the USS Poseidon. Originally named the USS Halifax, she was built at Utopia Planitia on Mars in 2230 and is the third Kelvin class starship to be constructed. Under the command of Captain Mathew Barlow, the ship was assigned to mapping duty in the Kaylium sector of the Beta Quadrant. By 2243 the ship’s technology was deemed to be somewhat out dated and although the Halifax had been upgraded over the years Starfleet decided that an overhaul of the ship was needed to keep it space worthy. The Halifax arrived at spacedock in February 2243 and underwent two years of re fitting at the end of which the ship had been completely re vamped to a point where it was decided that since this vessel was almost new it should be re christened. The USS Halifax NCC-1563 was re named USS Poseidon NCC-1699. Captain Barlow again took command with much of his original command team intact and the Poseidon was assigned to chart the unexplored Lorentian system. After seeing pictures of the some of the ships from the new movie Star Trek I thought I’d have a go at building some of them, starting with the Kelvin. I'm not a huge fan of the alternate universe idea in the film though I can understand why they did it. I chose to build my model using Constitution parts from the Starcrafts kit. I figured that in the original time line (without interference from Nero and the Nerada) The Kelvin survived and became the prototype for the Kelvin class ships built, some being re-configured to the TOS style. The model itself was an easy kit bash. I started by cutting the shuttle bay from the rest of engineering hull, turning it 180 degree’s and then re attaching it. I filled this section to make the transition smooth and sanded it down then attached the engineering hull to the upper half of the saucer. |
The lower dorsal was taken from another kit and attached to the lower half of the saucer with the one of the engines from the kit added to the lower dorsal. and that was it. I painted the model in the same grey’s, red and gold colours I had done for my other TOS style ships. As for the name, well I originally intended to call the ship Kelvin, though I didn’t have the lettering decals for that so went with Poseidon instead. I also didn’t want to give it such a low number like the Kelvin so figured that it was just a little older than the Enterprise and came up with 1699. Hopefully soon, I make a start on the Farragut and Hood style ships from the new movie. |