Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

Bessie Mk2

By Julian Maurice

Here is a custom freighter I've made for my photo novel Dark Child Chronicles (you can find it on You Tube). It started life as a Wall-E dumper truck, but I removed the wheels and tracks and converted it into a short range space freighter called Bessie II.

I have used a mixture of styrene panels and bits and pieces from old model kits to add a bit of texture to the inside and outside of the ship. Paint is a mixture of airbrushing, watered down paint for weathering and dry brushing. All paint used was acrylic based.

The decals were created by using Sci-Fi textures found on the net, altering them on Photoshop and printing them onto A4 sticker sheets, then applying them to the ship where appropriate.

The ship is to scale with Hasbro Star Wars figures.



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