Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

Vulture Freighter

By Ian (eeun) Raymond

The Vulture was inspired by the work of John Douglass and his Artships website. It was designed as a small freighter that would fit with the stylings of Firefly or Galactica.

The model was built starting with the bottom halves of two Apple mice. A 1984 Corvette contributed the other main parts, and various sci-fi and military greeblies finished it off.

Painting started with primer to even out some of the various part textures, then a black base coat. Tamiya acrylics provided the colour, applied to leave some of the black base coat around the edges. The model was coated with Future, and oil paint washes and drybrushing used for weathering.

Decals were printed on my Alps 2010 using white decal paper. A shot of Testor's Dullcoat and the model was done.

There were some long spaces between start and finish, but the actual modelling time was quite short. We've all had kits where you can practically shake the box and have a finished model fall out. I heartily recommend trying the same with your spare parts drawer.

Image: Before decals

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